"I did the driving test correctly but still the official said I was driving too slow, I realised his intention so gave him 200 Rupees and got the thing done," is a typical example of a posting. 比如某个很典型的贴子写道:我考驾照时没出错,但考官还是说我开得太慢了。我明白他的意思,给了他200卢比,就办妥了。
I heard the purity test website is gonna start posting pictures to illustrate the questions. 我听说纯洁测试的网站会贴出照片来举例说明问题。
Workers who want to test the job market but don't want word to get back to their current employers should probably avoid posting their resumes online. 那些希望在人才市场里试一试但不希望雇主知道的人最好不要在线发布简历。